Ambitious Goals for May

IMAG0188 (2)1. Invite daily exercise. I’m thinking about taking daily photos to document this and creating a photo collage at the end of the month. I joined a walk team at work, which kicks off May 6. We’ll track our steps throughout the month and the team with the most steps gets some kind of prize. I’m hoping this will help motivate me!

2. Schedule time for project life. So far I’ve stayed on track, but I don’t want to fall further behind. By the end of May, I hope to have all the April layouts completed.

3. Complete my DIY seashell picture frame project. I have a collection of shells from our trip to Florida. I still need to clean the shells and find a frame to use.

4. Wake Up Earlier. Traffic is so much better, if I leave for work earlier in the morning. I’d like to leave at least 30 minutes earlier than I have been. Hopefully I’ll spend less time sitting in traffic and more time on all the projects I’m working on.

5. Relax and enjoy life. Sometimes I try to fit too much into the weekend that I forget to relax and have fun! This is a hard one but I’m going to try to work on it this month.

Happy May!

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